Prior to the holidays my husband had started researching kamado grills. His dad has The Green Egg, which probably peaked his interest to begin with. Seeing that he showed much interest in this grill I began the search with him to find the perfect one, that is until I saw the price... I was a bit skeptical at first, because it was quite the investment in a bbq that I was not very familiar with. Nonetheless, I knew that my husband really wanted it and what do you buy the guy who has everything??? A grill of course!
I bought the grill 2 weeks before Christmas and he didn't even let me wrap it up for him. Clearly he was excited. We threw a Christmas party for our friends and he tested out his grilling skills with a brisket. He put the brisket on the smoker at 5am and just let it slow cook all day long.
The result: the most amazing brisket in the world. All bbq restaurants put to shame for seeing how decadent a single slow smoked brisket could taste. We seasoned the brisket with salt, pepper, and chili powder (amongst others) and all were enhanced by the fat that dripped like sweat over the carcass.
A job well done. I do not regret this purchase, I only regret not buying more beef!