Monday, January 7, 2013

The opening course.

My husband and I have a passion for interesting foods. We love the travel channel because it allows us to live vicariously through the likes of Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern. Before I begin the blog I must give  some background on how my palate came to be. As a child I hated veggies, of course, and Campbell's tomato soup, which I still hate. Nonetheless I was raised in a traditional Mexican American home. Sunday mornings consisted of menudo (beef tripe stew) or chorizo (spicy sausage) with egg. I wasn't too interested in candies like skittles or m&m's, instead, I enjoyed chili powders and spicy tamarind paste. Oh, I was an odd one... Even in my family.

The main goal of this blog is to allow me an outlet to the world, to possibly open the eyes to timid eaters with my experiences and taste buds. I hope my adventures take me to some bizarre eateries and I will try to explain them all as I go along.

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